Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 23


Weight - 276.0 pounds


Again, missed this morning as Jess was up late having contractions.  After about 3-4 hours of sleep, I didn't feel up to working out (especially 3-4 cardio).  If there is no baby yet by the time I get home, I will do it then!


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - 1/2 Banana
Lunch - Chicken Sandwich & Pear
Snack - 1/2 Banana
Dinner - Pita Pizza


Another 2 pounds, so great job!  Disappointed at not working out, as I was actually up at that time, but just so tired from not sleeping.  Just going to have to get used to doing a workout during the day and fitting things in whenever I can!  I can do it if I want to do it - and I WANT to do it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Diet Plan for the next 160 days

Ok, so let's see how things are going to work out.  If I write this down and read it every now and then, I'll be able to cement in my mind how I'm going to eat for the next 5-6 months!

Power 90 - 70 more days

Current meal plan is around 1400-1500 Calories/day - let's say 1450 Cal.  I want to get it up to 1600 Calories/day.  Instead of switching over instantly, I'm going to add a snack to one day/week every week after week 6.  My snacks are usually around 100-200 Calories, so that's 150 Calories on average.


This will bring me to about 1600 Calories/day when I start Power 90 - Master Series.  I will be having 3 meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) and 3 snacks (Morning, Afternoon, and Night).

Power 90 - Master Series (90 Days)

I will be working to get from 1600 Cal/day to 1800 Cal/day, which is the Level 1 Calorie count for P90X.  I will add this as 50 Calories to my snacks (go from 150 up to 200 Calories) and 100 Calories to my breakfast (about 400 Calories up to 500 Calories).  Especially with working out in the morning, getting more food directly after to restore the body's reserves should be good.

This should be accomplished by adding about 30 percent to my snacks and 25% to my breakfasts.  So instead of 1/2 cup of oatmeal, I will have an extra 2 Tbl of oatmeal, plus more of the stuff that gets added to it.  My snacks will be a little bit harder, since I just have fruit.  Maybe I'll add some almond butter!

P90X (90 Days)

Once I start P90X, I will be following their diet plan as precisely as I can - using the recipes, NOT relying on myself to portion things out and plan on my own.  I will do Level 1 (1800 Calories) and move into Level 2 (2400 Calories) over the first 4 weeks.  There are 5 meals a day (3 meals, 2 snacks), so I will make the transition with:


This way, by Week 4, I will be entirely in Level 2 at 2400 Calories.  The recipes are the same, regardless of which level you are in, the serving size just changes.  So it will still be easy to grocery shop and make my meals ahead of time.

So that is my meal plan for the next 160 days (Power 90, Power 90 MS, and P90X).  I really like the way the diet looks for P90X, so I plan on sticking through that even in P90X+.  But now I am really getting ahead of myself! :)

Day 22


Weight - 278.0 pounds

Exercise - Sculpt 3-4

I finally moved back into 3-4.  What a wake-up call!  I did the floor pushups for the first set, not the perfect pushups.  The declines still were at 15, so I'm happy with that!  Then came 20 pound weights on everything.  I'm still in the good range of 8-15 reps.  What I'll probably do to prevent over-working things is do Max Mondays (as many reps 8-15 as I can do), Weaker Wednesdays (only do 8 reps of everything), and Fab(?) Fridays (a little bit higher, max of 12 reps).  This way I bang out a full load on Mondays, rest for the next 3 days by reducing down to 8 reps, and then bring it up a notch to 12.  Then I can rest over the weekend, and come back on Monday to hit it again.  I'll do this for the next couple of weeks as I move into 3-4.


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - 1/2 Pear
Lunch - ABJ Sandwich & Pear
Snack - 1/2 Pear
Dinner - Pita Pizza

I'm going to do the diet plan seriously.  I've been taking too many breaks during the week.  Time to get back on track!  I know this is about 1450 Calories/day, and over the next 11 weeks, I'm going to bring it up to 1600 Calories/day.  When I start the Master Series, I'm going to move from 1600 Cal/day to 1800 Cal/day, which will be where I start P90X.  I'll write another post to hammer down exactly how I plan on doing this!


I realize from seeing my weight graph fluctuate so much, that my weekends are a bit too loose in terms of the diet.  I need to buckle down and get that under control.  Whenever I put anything into my mouth, I'm going to think about two things - 1.) Where is this food on Michi's ladder? and 2.) Is this food fueling my body or just crappy calories?  THINK ABOUT THE GOAL!!

Day 21


Weight - 276.7

Exercise - Rest Day


Breakfast - Cereal w/ Milk
Snack - Skip
Lunch - Pita w/ Almond Butter & Jelly
Snack - Cookie
Dinner - Cheat - Sauerkraut & sausage, pork tenderloin, salad, steamed veggies
Snack - 5 Oreos


Well, I screwed up on the weekend again.  Today was even worse than yesterday - too much crappy, highly processed, sweetened foods.  Since the baby will be born this week, the next few weekends should be better since we'll be at our house and more in control of what is around - so I'm hoping for some habit changing behavior these next few weeks.  I also am going to bring it for real during these next 4 weeks, since I will be home for them all (well, this week will be at work, but the next three will be at home!).


Day 20


Weight - 275.2


Skipped since I was going to be doing work outside on the deck.  I am going to be glad when this is all done and I can't use this as an excuse!


Breakfast - Pancake w/ Berries & Sausage
Snack - Skip
Lunch - 1/2 cup Pasta w/ Meat Sauce & Cheese
Snack - Skip
Dinner - Cheat - Chinese Food
Snack - Cheat - Ice Cream Sundae


I know I have to get my schedule in line on the weekends.  I try to justify skipping workouts because of other work I have to do, but I can't keep doing that.  Now that the deck is all torn out, I can't really use it as an excuse any more.  The biggest thing is waking up earlier on the weekends to still do my workout before the rest of the family gets up and going.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 19


Weight - 274.1 pounds


I stayed up late with Jess talking last night, so wasn't able to get up early enough to work out.  Since I am working on the deck when I get home today, I will put in a good 3 hours, which is 6 times longer than the sculpting workout.  So I should get a good enough resistance workout with that.  Monday starts 3-4, so a good rest is fine!


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - Pear
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich & Apple
Snack - Pear
Lunch - 1.5 Tuna Sandwiches (about the same calories as a dinner should be)


I can't believe the weight loss today.  I don't know why the heck I lost that much, but I weighed myself 3 times.  If it is just a mistake for some reason, I'll find out tomorrow!  Otherwise - GO ME!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 18


Weight - 277.5

Exercise - Sweat 1-2

Man oh man!  Today was a good day.  I was feeling it for sure, but it is definitely getting easier!


Snack - 1 cup Chocolate Milk
Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - Pear
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich & Banana
Snack - Carrot
Dinner - Veggie Straws, Crackers, and Hummus
Snack - 3 Spoons of Tuna Sandwich Filling


Nothing new to report right now.  Most of my time is spent wondering when the baby is going to get here.  We are already a week late!  Come on little one, don't you want to see the world?!  :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 17


Weight - 278.8


I skipped this morning as I tore out the rest of the deck yesterday with my dad.  It was about 60-90 minutes of heavy duty hauling which made me more sore than the Sculpt 1-2 workout.  So I think I got a good resistance workout in replacement.  If time permits, I may still do it, but I think I still need to heal!  ;)


Breakfast - 1 cup Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce
Snack - 1/2 cup Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich & Apple
Snack - 1/2 cup Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce
Dinner - Tuna Sandwich
Snack - 1/2 cup Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce


The weight is coming off again, so I'm very happy with that.  I have to stay focused on my goal and think of where I want to be whenever I put anything in my mouth - except on my weekend dinners with family!  I'm just over halfway to the 30 day mark and still going strong.  I love the new change to my life with exercise and a healthy diet!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 16


Weight - 279.6

Exercise - Sweat 1-2

Did the full workout (including abs) without much problem at all.  I wasn't as out of breath as I remember the last time I did it downstairs (what I consider the real times since I can keep at their pace and copy them).  For the abs, I did the first 50 without resting, and then did additional sets with a 5 second rest between.  I definitely think next week will be the start of 3-4 for both routines for me.  That will give me 10 weeks to perfect that before I move to Master Series!!


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - Apple
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich & Banana
Snack - Apple
Dinner - Tuna Sandwich


Very happy so far.  Only two weeks in (actually 6.5) and I'll be moving to 3-4.  Scary but invigorating at the same time.  Now I'm even more excited about moving on to Master Series.  When I think about it that I am halfway through it for real (6.5 out of 13 weeks), it feels even better.  I know I have to get the diet aspect under control, and I think that will be easier when the baby is around - less time to worry about eating!!  I'll also be keeping busy with the deck, so more exercise.  I just have to stick with the program as much as I can - except for the 2-3 days at the hospital.  I may still try to get in some exercise when I go to visit Maddie, but probably just playing around with her, nothing structured.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 15


Weight - 279.9 (I payed for the weekend again and basically stayed even for last week)

Exercise - Sculpt 1-2

I decided to up the ante this week and go for 20 pounds!  Man, was that hard!  Not impossible, but definitely hard.  I did a lot of the sets at 15 reps still, which was surprising.  I will have to kick the weight up, which means buying more weights.  I will stick with 20 pounds this week, and switch to 3-4 next week.  That's a week early for the sculpting, but that one has always been a little (or a lot!) easier than sweating.


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - 1 cup Jell-O with Oranges/Pineapple
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich & 1 cup Jell-O with Oranges/Pineapple
Snack - 1 cup Jell-O with Oranges/Pineapple
Dinner - 2 cups spaghetti w/ meat sauce
Snack - 4 fun size candy bars


I feel really good today!  I was looking in the mirror after working out, and actually noticed a little more definition in my chest.  Probably not noticeable unless just after working out, but I have more of that ridge separating the pecs visible!  My arms were also pretty pumped.  Still a good amount of fat to lose around them, but I did that a little bit of that bicep ridge!

Day 14


Weight - Didn't take today

Exercise - NONE!


Breakfast - Cereal w/ Skim Milk
Snack - Fruit
Lunch - Skipped - busy!
Snack - Skipped
Dinner - 1 cup of white rice; 3/4 cup General Tso's Chicken; 1/2 cup Sesame Chicken; 1/2 cup Broccoli


Things are going well now that I have semi-given up the bad snacks so much.  I really have to cut down on them since the sugar is what is really bad for me.  The less sugar I have, the better things will be for me in the near and long term.

Day 13


Weight - 279.4 (finally budged!!)

Exercise - Sweat 1-2

I did this exercise while Maddie was taking a bath.  I did the first set of each round at super fast speed, followed by a normal set.  It didn't take as long, since I only did the same number of reps, but I was just as winded afterwards.  I pushed it to the max on the first set, doing everything as fast as I physically could.  No crunches today, either.  I'll pay for that on Tuesday of next week.


Breakfast - Cereal w/ skim milk
Snack - 2 granola cookies
Lunch - 4 pieces of pizza (probably 3 regular ones); side salad
Snack - 2 granola cookies
Dinner - 2 small tortillas with beef, guacamole, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, and cheese; 1/4 cup rice; salad


Well, over the weekend, things don't look so good for me since we always have a meal with my in-laws on Saturday and my parents on Sunday.  These are the only cheat meals I am starting to allow, but I don't know how good it is putting them together.  I've heard that a 3 low-calorie day and 2 high-calorie day cycle is good to follow, so maybe a 5/2 cycle is okay, too?  We'll see how it goes at the end of next week.  I'm going to follow things a little more seriously in terms of the diet, and also kick up the exercise a notch - especially the cardio.  I think I'm planning on switching to level 3-4 earlier than I had planned.  Again, we'll see how it goes next week.

Day 12


Weight - 279.5

Exercise - Skipped  :(

I was so sore after working on the deck the other day, that I didn't want to work out today.  I will make it up somehow!


Breakfast - Pancakes w/ fruit (no syrup)
Snack - Skip
Lunch - 2 pieces of pizza (well, Sam's Club calls it 1 piece, but I know better!!)
Snack - Skip
Dinner - Curry Chicken
Snack - Cherry Ice/Key Lime Custard twist at Erma's!  YUMMY!


Having the rest day has really made me feel better by the end of the day.  I'm not as sore, and we've been walking around all day doing chores, so I've been loosening up and working the aches out!

Day 11


Weight - 279.5

Exercise - Sweat 1-2

Since I took the day off today, I stayed up too late yesterday.  I didn't wake up on time to workout in the morning, but I will be working out all day on the deck.  I squeezed in my workout - minus the crunches - while watching Maddie upstairs.  I just do the number of reps while watching TV or watching her as she's playing.  It's so cute, because she'll come next to me and try to do the moves with me until she gets bored!  She's so cute!


Breakfast - Skipped (wasn't up yet!  :)  )
Snack/Lunch - 2 ABJ Sandwiches
Snack - Smoothie
Dinner - Curry Chicken


Working on the deck and working out is really hard.  I have to just keep to my schedule, because if I don't work out in the morning, I don't find myself setting aside the time during the day to work out.  Even if I don't go to work, I have to still work out by 6am, then I'll be done around 7am when Maddie gets up!

Day 10


Weight - 278.9

Exercise - Sculpt 1-2

I did the routine today with 7.5 pounds.  Not bad at all.  Still able to do everything the same as before in terms of pushups and reps for everything.


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - Fruit
Lunch - Chicken Sandwich (no bread) & Banana
Snack - 3 oz cheese, 2 cookies
Dinner - Pita Pizza


So far, things are going a little bit better.  I haven't been having a lot of time at home because these day long meetings are screwing up my schedule.  I can't eat on time and start getting way too hungry, then I over compensate for it and have a few snacks I shouldn't.  I'm just happy the meetings are over with!